Heritage Horowhenua

The Heritage Horowhenua Charitable Trust celebrates the unique character & heritage of the people & places of the Horowhenua region of New Zealand.

Plans include a Heritage Week, a Horowhenua Walk of Fame, and Heritage Trails (identifying houses, buildings and sites with heritage significance).

The Walk of Fame project is underway, with around 300 people associated with the district identified as potential inductees across three categories - pioneers, people of international significance and those who have represented New Zealand in a sport. Finalised inductees will be recognised through plaques installed in Levin's main streets with their names on them with their full story displayed on this website. The first inductee is World War I and World War II soldier, Sir Bernard Freyberg, who lived, worked & played in Levin.
Please view our Walk of Fame list here.

The Trust also has an obligation to accept potential names (in any of the three categories) for the Walk of Fame project. Any suggestions may be forwarded to the Chairman of the Trust.

The Trust is also identifying potential properties that are close to or over 100 years old or have some significant historical association.

The Trust will always need volunteers to help complete research on the people selected, including their background, family, achievements, education and history, and to help identify suitable places to be added to the Heritage Trails.

We wish to thank the following researchers: Bruce Batten, Gloy Deadman, John Dixon, Linda Fletcher, Kerry Geertson, Bill Kerr, Marjorie Law, Bernard Long, Noeline Lyons & Kevin Miles.

If you wish to become a Supporter of the Trust to help fund the work we are doing, then please contact the Chairman. As the Trust is registered as a Charitable Trust any donations will be receipted and can be used for Tax deductibility. It is suggested that a reasonable donation would be $20 for an individual & $50 for a company or other organisation.

We are grateful to the late Peter Graham for his wonderful watercolours that we use to illustrate our home page and to the Horowhenua Historic Society for their use.