Anders Nicholas AKENSON
Date of Birth:
22 Aug 1848
Date of Death:
12 May 1933
Anders was born In Bastad, Kristianstad, Sweden.
He married his 1st wife, Barbara Williamson (born in Shetland Islands) in 1878 in NZ.
They had five children. Tragically the first one died at childbirth & the 5th also at childbirth, 6 days before his mother.
Anders married Ellen Searancke (born in Upper Hutt) in 1889. They had three children.
Anders was a farmer in Upper Hutt in the 1880's. He then moved to Manakau then Levin around 1893 as a carter/carrier.
He became naturalised in 1899.
A son-in-law Jack Lett was killed at Ypres, Belgium in Sep 1917. He had enlisted in Australia.
Relatives mentioned in profile:
Anders Nicholas Akenson; Bengt Peter Akessons; Annie Jonsdotter; Barbara Williamson; Henry Williamson; Agnes Ridland; Ellen Jane Charlsley Searancke; Francis Charlsley Searancke; Mary Jane Geange; Nicholas Akenson; Kathleen Elizabeth (Kit) Akenson; John McLaren (Jack) Lett; David Andrews; Agnes Mary Ann (Marie) Akenson; Herbert Edward (Bert) Keys; Christina Ann Akenson; Nils Cornelius Strid; Nicholas Akenson; Charles Nicholas Akenson; Miriam May Wilcock; William Francis Akenson; Mabel Anne Staveley; Louisa Margaret Glover; Marye Jane Akenson; William Peter Swan MacGregor.