Arthur Robert BRYANT
Date of Birth:
8 Jun 1887
Date of Death:
19 Jan 1957
Arthur as born in Palmerston Nth.
He married Beatrice Abraham (born in England in 1888) in 1919.
Arthur served in WW1.
They had two sons & one daughter.
Arthur was a farmer at Tiritea when he enlisted and returned there after the war. He then moved to Levin as a farmer in Arepaepae Rd Levin for the rest of his life.
One son Arthur served in the Navy in WW2.
Relatives mentioned in profile:
Arthur Robert Bryant, Robert Mitchenson Bryant, Elizabeth Bradley, Beatrice Mary Abraham, Robert Henry Bryant, Ruby Muriel Williams, Arthur Frederick (Fred) Bryant, Elizabeth Sykes Morcombe, Evelyn Rose Bryant, Havelock Arthur Williams, Edith Elizabeth Miller.