Date of Birth:
2 Jul 1928
Date of Death:
19 May 2008
It is not known where David was born.
He married Margaret (Margret) Brace (born at Palmerston Nth in 1931) in 1952.
They have three sons & two daughters.
David was a retailer in Stratford & then became a motor dealer. Around 1969 he was a mushroom farmer in Fairfield Rd, Levin.
By 1972 he had moved to Plamerston Nth where he was a Caravan Co Director. He was involved in motor racing in Levin and ran a Wolseley Hornet Special.
Relatives mentioned in profile:
David James Bransgrove, William Stephen Vincent Bransgrove, Mona Joy McLeod, Margaret Eleanor Brace, Roy Alfred Brace, Gladys Eve Griggs, Sandra Bransgrove, Peter D Bransgrove, Christopher D Bransgrove, Roger W Bransgrove, Wendy A Bransgrove.