Francis Le Manquais (Frank) GARLAND
Date of Birth:
5 May 1867
Frank was born in Gisborne.
He married Laura Gibson (born at Ross, Westand in 1869) at Ross in 1892.
They had one daughter & three sons.
The third son was killed in a motor accident at the young age of 21.
The daughters first husband, Cyril Brown, died of his wounds serving in WW1. His father commemorated him by donating one of the bells in the Wellington Carillon. The 2nd husband, William Makin, also served in WW1.
In 1896 Frank is described as a settler in Levin. By 1905 he is the hotelkeeper for the Weraroa hotel in Levin. By 1911 he has moved to Wellington as a settler for the rest of his life.
Frank & Laura both signed the "Yes" petition in the 1905 Levin township petition.
Relatives mentioned in profile:
Francis Le Manquais (Frank) Garland, Henry Garland, Mary Ann Carter, Laura Lilian Gibson, Henry Gibson, Phoebe Guest, Eunice May Garland, Cyril Ivan Brown, William Holland Makin, Edgar Henry Garland, John Harold Garland, Joyce Gwendolen Livingston, Lalitte Costigan Lees, Francis Cyril (Laddie) Garland.