Joseph Anthony (Joe) BARNAO
Date of Birth:
26 Dec 1926
Date of Death:
30 Apr 2021
It is not known where Joe was born (possible Wellington, NZ).
He married Mildred (born at Palmerston Nth in 1926), Her maiden name & the date of the marriage have not been found.
They had two sons, Anthny & Christopher.
Joe started out as a musician in Wellington. he moved to Levin in the early 1960's to open a retail shop in Oxford St as a music dealer & retailer.
He married
Relatives mentioned in profile:
Joseph Anthony (Joe) Barnao, Mildred Gwendoline Barnao, Bartholmew Barnao, Amelia Marguerite Paine, Johanna Adriana Barnao, Anthony John Barnao, Christopher Francis Barnao.