Patrick James BARRY
Date of Birth:
1 May 1883
Date of Death:
14 Mar 1950
Patrick was born in Blenheim.
He married Ellen O'Leary (born in Marlborough) in Blenheim in 1914.
They had four children.
One son-in-law, Graham Newton served in WW2.
A few years after Ellen died he married for a 2nd time to Elizabeth Skilton (born in Christchurch).
Patrick was a painter in Masterton in 1905, & Marton in 1911. He then became a tailor, working in Carterton, Napier & Masterton between 1914 & 1919.
He then became a hotel keeper, operating at Makuri, Opunake, Marton, Foxton & Hunterville until he retired to Palmerston Nth in 1946.
It is believed he was the publican of the Grand Hotel, In Levin in 1930.
Relatives mentioned in profile:
Patrick James Barry; Gerald Garrett Barry; Julianna (Hannah) Flynn; Ellen (Nellie) O'Leary; Humphrey John O'Leary; Mary Falvey; Elizabeth Skilton; Joan Patrick Barry; Kalvin Edward De Ridder; Francis Patrick (Frank) Barry; Lily Marion (Robbie) Robertson; Josephine Mary (Molly) Barry; Graham Morton Newton; Patrick Marcus Barry; Patricia Mary Lyons.