Thomas Harold BOULTON

Date of Birth: 
19 Jun 1886
Date of Death: 
31 Jul 1953

It is not known where Thomas was born.

He came to NZ in 1904, returned to the UK in 1916 & served in the Royal Field Artillery (RFA) in France & India.

Between 1914 & 1915 he owned property in Levin.

He came back to NZ and married Annie Crum (born at Ashburton in 1892) in 1927.

They had no children & were divorced in 1940.

When he first cam to NZ he was a farmer at Rangiriri & Otorohanga.

When he returned he worked for the State Forest Service at Riverhead. He was then in Auckland as unemployed.

Relatives mentioned in profile: 
Thomas Harold Boulton, Annie Alberta Crum, Albert Crum, Margaret Scott.