Valentine Edmund HITCHINGS

Date of Birth: 
16 Nov 1878
Date of Death: 
16 Aug 1944

Valentine was born in the Hawkes Bay.

He married Shiela Howley (born at Timaru in 1883) in 1905.

They had two sons & two daughters.

Valentine is the son of Valentine Thomas (Snr) who has his own profile.

Valentine served in WW1. One son Valentine Thomas served in WW2.

Valentine started working life as a farmer in Levin around 1889 until around 1919. He then moved to Rangiatea in the Waikato.

Relatives mentioned in profile: 
Valentine Edmund Hitchings, Shiela Mary Howley, Valentine McDermott Hitchings, Peggy Muriel Lane, Shelia Nora Hitchings, Oliver James Roslin Sinclair, Valmay Margaret Hitchings, Alexander Telford Grant, Valentine Thomas Hitchings.