William Henry PLASTER (Snr)
Date of Birth:
c 1850
Date of Death:
3 Sep 1930
Williams was born at Bampton, Oxfordshire, England.
He married Anne (Annie) Ashfield (born at Farington, Berkshire, England in 1856) at Birmingham in 1882.
They had two sons.
One son, Francis came to New Zealand in 1907 and settled in Levin.
William & William Jnr & their wives came to New Zealand & joined up with their son, Francis, in Levin in 1912.
William (Snr) was packer until he retired.
Francis served in WW1 and was severely wounded. He was also the first Secretary of the Levin RSA.
All members of the family are buried in Levin.
Relatives mentioned in profile:
William Henry Plaster (Snr), Thomas Plaster, Jane Wenman, Ann (Annie) Ashfield, John Ashfield, Elizabeth Strong, William Henry (Jnr) Plaster, Nellie Rose Emms, Francis Thomas Plaster.